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Concrete Truck Pulled From Bull Shoals Lake

KTLO Photo: Courtesy Christi West via the Ozark County Times

A truck has been pulled from a lake in Taney County.

A submerged Ava Redi-Mix truck has been pulled from Bull Shoals Lake near Protem at the end of Elbow Road, according to an Ozark County Times report. The Times advised the incident occurred Sept. 20 and no further details regarding the incident were reported.

Theodosia Hardware owner Justin Burnett says a man came into the store “looking for a diver” who could attach tow lines to the submerged vehicle.

Burnett, who is a recreational diver, agreed to help, but he told the Times he didn’t know how the truck, which is believed to have been carrying a load of concrete, ended up in the lake. He confirmed, though, that no one was injured in the incident.

(From KTLO)

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