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Branson Public Schools Earns Safety Dividend

Photo credit to Ollis/Akers/Arney Insurance & Business Advisors

Ollis/Akers/Arney Insurance & Business Advisors presented Branson Public Schools a $25,722 insurance safety dividend check on December 8, 2022. The dividend, earned through safety protocols, is a result in claims that were lower than expected during the 2021 policy period.

To earn the cash dividend, Branson Public School officials worked with their Ollis/Akers/Arney Insurance and Business Advisors team to ensure district loss control programs are in place and properly documented in a timely fashion with Missouri Employer’s Mutual Insurance Company (MEM). “You have to have various return to work and accident investigation programs to lessen the likelihood of a claim and in the case of an accident, take mitigating circumstances to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” says John Akers, vice president of benefits for Ollis/Akers/Arney.

The dividend is not guaranteed. “There’s a lot of work on the school’s part to get the processes in place to be eligible to earn the dividend,” continued Akers. “None of the employees who did this work benefit personally. They do it because they’re excellent stewards of taxpayer dollars.”

According to Ashlae Cook, senior commercial account manager with Ollis/Akers/Arney, Branson Public Schools completed an assessment regarding safety practices and procedures, which was scored and awarded a certain number of safety points by MEM. In addition to this assessment, they had to achieve a loss ratio (total claims expenses divided by audited premium) of less than 50% to earn eligibility. The $25,722 cash dividend was calculated based on the assessed safety points, loss ratio and premium.

"Branson Public Schools values our partnership with Ollis/Akers/Arney, as they have assisted the district in providing a safe environment for our students and staff for many years. Our employees strive daily to maintain and enhance a safe environment for all. These funds will be used to ensure that Branson Public Schools continues to be a safe place to learn and to work for many years to come," says Dr. Nate Moore, Assistant Superintendent.

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