A kennel in Douglas County has been closed and over 40 animals rescued in an operation by the Humane Society of Missouri.
According to a press release, on Monday, the organizations Animal Cruelty Task Force conducted a rescue of 42 dogs, including many puppies as young as a few days old, from the Cedarcrest Kennel in Ava. The rescue was coordinated in conjunction with local authorities.
Cedarcrest Kennel has a long history of being a sub-standard breeder according to the release and been cited by both Missouri Department of Agriculture and Attorney General's Office going back nearly 25 years for issues including animal neglect.
The license for the Kennel's Operation has been permanently revoked after a temporary suspension was issued by the Attorney General's Office last year.
Several breeds of dogs including Irish Terriers, Schnauzers, Cairn Terriers, and Yorkshire Terriers were rescued from the facility.